Notarized Certified Copies in Connecticut


I need a "certified copy" of a document (passport, school transcript, etc.)

Notary's answer: Connecticut law limits which types of document a notary public can prepare certified copies of.

If your document is in English, and is not a Public Record, then a notary public can certify the copy.
If your document in written in a language other than English, I cannot certify the copy. However, you can attest to the authenticity of a copy yourself, and a notary public can place you under oath and have you sign the certification document. See Attestation Procedure, below.
If your document is considered a Public Record, such as a birth, death, or marriage certificate, I cannot certify the copy. However:
If you need a copy of a certificate of birth, death, or marriage that took place in Connecticut, you can obtain an official (certified) copy from the Vital Records office in that town. Directory of Vital Records offices
If you need a copy of a Public Record from some other state or country, you can attest to the authenticity of a copy yourself, and a notary public can place you under oath and have you sign the certification document. See Attestation Procedure, below.

This is the Attestation Procedure recommended by the State of Connecticut.

You create a document that says that you swear that the attached copy is true and correct copy of the original. 
You then take the document to a Notary Public, and you, as the person who made the copy, take an oath that the copy is accurate. The notary adds the correct wording for a Jurat and notarizes your signature.
Please note that this procedure cannot be used with documents that are considered public records, such as birth, death, or marriage certificates. 

The above instructions are paraphrased from the State of Connecticut's Notary Public Manual. You can see this document at  Section 4.11, "Copy Certification," appears on page 11.

Here is the text you can use to create your attestation document. You can print (or handwrite) these words directly onto the copy of the document, or attach it as a separate page.

I, [your name], hereby affirm that the attached copy of [describe the document] is a true and accurate copy of a document in my possession..

Or just copy the following text:
(or click here to download the following text as a Microsoft Word document, then fill in your name and document type, print out, and bring with you to the notary)

                     )   ss. Stamford

I, ___________________________ , hereby affirm that the attached copy of __________________________________ is a true and accurate copy of a document in my possession. 

In witness whereof, I have hereunto signed my name.

_____________________________________ (signature)

_____________________________________ (Print Name)

_____________________________________ (date)

Subscribed and sworn to before me this_____ day of _______________, 20____

Signature of Notary Public

My commission expires: _______________

Click here to download this text as a Microsoft Word document. You can then fill in your name and document type, print out, and bring with you to the notary.

Malcolm Dickinson, Notary Public, State of Connecticut
tel 203-989-0556